Online payments

To pay online:

  1. Check the "Online payments" (payments via the PayU system) and execute "Finalise transaction" button.
  2. The system will re-direct you to the Dotpay service.
  3. In order to pay by credit card or make an online money transfer the adequate fields should be marked and a "Pay" button executed.
  4. Once an online payment is is finalised a list of reports purchased will show.
  5. Once an online payment is authorised by the PayU service the reports purchased will become available in the "Active Reports" bookmark in the "User's data" window.

All of the information purchased are available online in the "Active Reports" bookmark located in the left column of the "User's data" window.

"Non-Active Reports" bookmark stores companies' reports which were bought in the past but are no longer accessible due to the time elapsed.