Search for the company report

CAUTION: all functional options are available whilst registered to the service.

Number of companies shown: 5 of 5 matching your criteria.
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Mikrotech S.A.Address: Składowa 9
City: Krosno
Region: Podkarpackie
Bhh-Mikrotech Sp. z o.o.Address: Katowicka 11
City: Dąbrowa Górnicza
Region: Śląskie
Mikrotech Lci sp. z o.o.Address: Składowa 9
City: Krosno
Region: Podkarpackie
Mikrotech S.J. w likwidacjiAddress: Wojska Polskiego 9
City: Mielec
Region: Podkarpackie
Mikrotech Sp. z o.o. w likwidacjiAddress: Kolejowa 39
City: Mietków
Region: Dolnośląskie

Begin your search with typing the most important part of company's name,
e.g. if you are searching for PUH Quick Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw, type Quick

If you are searching by NIP, REGON or KRS number place the proper acronym before the number,
e.g.krs 1234


In order to find a requested company, please enter one of the registry numbers (KRS, REGON, NIP) into the correct field.